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Add customer value with RED

Add customer value with RED

There’s no getting away from the fact that print providers are operating in a challenging market – think declining print volumes, hardware commoditization, and shrinking margins. Now more than ever, it’s key to find new ways to secure new recurring revenue and introduce innovative solutions that genuinely add customer value.

That’s why we launched RED – our brand new channel-exclusive cloud print management and monitoring offering.

With RED, we are empowering print and IT resellers to drive revenue and profit as they help customers leverage all of the benefits of migrating print to the cloud. We have built on the rich feature-set of our core SaaS serverless print management solution and added advanced printer monitoring (SNMP) capabilities and alerts for printer status, device health, paper levels, volumes, toner levels, and more.

Time to ditch the print server

Among the many benefits of a cloud-based print infrastructure is the ability to eliminate on-premise print servers.  Here at, we firmly believe that managing print via an on-premise server-based infrastructure has had its day. Keeping on top of print server-related risk and managing a constant stream of security updates and patches is no mean feat. And even then, there’s no guarantees. You only have to think back to the Windows PrintNightmare.

Now, with Microsoft Windows Server 2012/R2 scheduled to reach end of life in October 2023, users will no longer receive server security updates or patches, which significantly increases risk – meaning there’s never been a better time to introduce your customers to the benefits of a serverless cloud print management solution.

Migrate print to the cloud RED is a secure serverless print management and monitoring platform that provides customers with access to fast and reliable printing from any device or location, and streamlines print management from end-to-end.

With RED, you can stand out from the crowd with a feature-rich, easy to deploy and manage solution that will modernize your customers’ print infrastructure, take the pain out of print, improve their security posture and save them money to boot.

Vendor-agnostic print management and monitoring RED supports print management and print monitoring in a single tool and helps dealers to unlock additional revenue streams.

Per-device pricing secures recurring revenue streams for new hardware sales, plus, there’s an additional revenue opportunity when adding customers’ legacy print devices to the platform.

And with our white-label service option, you can package a complete managed print solution that keeps your brand front and centre.

Five key features that add value

  • Full-stack universal print driver. Eliminates the need to manually deploy multiple printer drivers and manage numerous updates, enables zero-touch deployment at scale, simplifies end-user provisioning and ongoing management.
  • Device Radar. Turbo-charges the printing device onboarding process by using mDNS and SNMP protocols to search for and identify all network-connected printers. Leverages artificial intelligence to set individual devices’ best-known configuration and enable advanced finishing features where available.
  • Multi-vendor fleet support. The universal print driver includes advanced finishing options for over 5,000 printer makes and models – making it ideal for customers operating a multi-vendor fleet. The RED channel-exclusive product line also features a Sharp-native OSA embedded app that simplifies roll-out and enhances the end-user experience with features such as card authentication and pull-printing.
  • Actionable data. RED provides instant access to real-time data and highly-detailed reports which enables print activity to be tracked organisation-wide. The platform records each print by user, account code etc., while printer and user charts enable admins to understand how print resources are being used.
  • Security is built-in. Local network printing ensures print jobs never leave the customer’s network, while Edge Print keeps remote print jobs secure.


To find out more about how RED can help you differentiate and grow your business in the cloud, get in touch with us at or you can download our brochure here.

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