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Don’t ignore print when it comes down to zero trust

Don’t ignore print when it comes down to zero trust

The rapid and unplanned shift to remote working and wider adoption of multi-cloud strategies has created a whole new set of security challenges for organizations. As a result, the zero trust model has fast become the de facto approach to security for IT admins who are leveraging it to take back control in today’s ever-changing threat landscape.

Whilst not a new concept, the core tenet of the zero trust philosophy – ‘never trust, always verify’, is more effective in terms of reducing data loss and preventing data breaches – something that’s front of mind for companies of all sizes and across all sectors.

Zero trust turns the traditional network perimeter-centric view of security (the castle and moat approach) on its head. Least privilege is one of the key tenants of this security model, which assumes nothing, and no one should be trusted until proven otherwise – in short – it’s no longer about the network, it’s about controlling access for individuals looking to access systems.

Zero trust seeks to address three key principles based on NIST guidelines:

  1. Prevent breaches by relying on continuous verification of users.
  2. Contain and minimize damage should a successful breach occur.
  3. Analyze data across the entire network to best prepare victims to respond to successful breaches or perceived threats.

Print management and zero trust

While print may not be front of mind when creating a robust zero trust network strategy, it’s important not to overlook the fact that the office printer remains a viable attack vector for hackers looking to capitalize on vulnerable devices.

So, if you’re looking to minimize the attack surface and thinking of including print in your zero trust strategy, we can help.

We’ve got security covered 

Whether your organization uses Chromebooks, macOS or Windows, or an amalgamation of the three, our cloud-based print management platform features a secure print wizard that makes security easy for administrators and end-users alike.

With direct-IP printing, print jobs never leave your network, PIN-protected printing release features put an end to unwanted data exposure, and we offer traceable insights into print behavior, so you can spot and deal with anomalies before they have a chance to become a business-halting event.

Plus, Edge Print supports zero trust. Edge Print enables you to seamlessly mix edge printing with local network printing. With Edge Print, end-users can print on their phone, tablet, Chromebook, PC and any other web-connected device – whether they’re at home, on a guest network, or even between offices.

Importantly, Edge Print gives IT admins fine-grained control over which printers are available for remote printing and provides full visibility of printers outside of the corporate network.

Built with security in mind

Our SaaS print offerings are built with security in mind, making them a natural fit for any zero trust strategy.

So, if you’re guilty of leaving print security out of your otherwise robust approach to network security, why not plug that gap today – starting with our free 30-day trial?